And here’s me, thinking it’s crazy to think.
I’m just through with thinking.
It’s that constant buzz of that voice in your head. That does me in, when I’m in bed.
It’s not just something that keeps me awake,
I think things through when instead I should just, Do.
Do all the things I’m thinking of.
If I stopped, thinking for just a second,
I could quite easily find peace.
Over thinking is my arch enemy,
Defeat, I lay in his hands.
And in my hands I hold one weapon.
My Vice.
My Vice lets me sleep at night,
and the Habits seem to ease me over.
Now I’m not sure, exactly, what it stems from.
Some deep seeded (REPPRESSED) inadequacy,
or an over indulgence with Slannesh?
Defeat. I lay in your hands,
and in my hands I have one weapon.
A weapon I won’t allow myself to use.